Using Google Maps to Sell Software
While most of the NMR software, still today, is marketed through leaflets distributed at a conference and bought with fax orders, I have probably witnessed the first example of a company selling it on web 2.0.
What I really wanted to do was to read a review on NMR software. I have been waiting for more than a decade; never seen a web review. During this prolonged period the things I wanted to read have increased up to the point that I am now able to write the reviews by myself, and much more. I will explain why NMR software is the most useful of all softwares, why nobody really cares about it, how you can use it, how you can get desperate with it, how you can write your own and why. Add your comments!
At the beginning of this blog I mentioned the issue of "embedding an NMR spectrum into MS Word" and how it has become more and more difficult in recent years. Forget it all. Don't read again that old post.