Meet me in Florence this summer!
Have you already decided which conference to attend this year? Is it perhaps the Euromar?
Of all the people I know, nobody will be attending this event. I have examined the list of sponsors and exhibitors and there will be no representative of the software industry.
They used to attend the past Euromars and were unhappy. I myself have no intention of registering...
A Worldwide Magnetic Resonance Conference ???
Why have I chosen this apparently ignored occasion? I will not attend any conference at all this year, but I will try to be in town during that week (from July 4 to 10), so this could be a unique opportunity to meet me in person.
How can you contact me? Try adding a comment to this post. Your comment will be submitted to my moderation and will not appear (automatically) in public. If you insert your email address, I will contact you. If you have submitted a poster, write here the title, so I can find you directly at the conference.
Weather info: July can be very hot in Florence, but the "PalaCongressi" that helds the conference is quite comfortable. It is a sort of huge underground bunker, shielded from the heat.