Friday, June 29, 2007


In the past years there has been confusion, on the internet at least, about: what had happened to gNMR? You can still find the old home page; using Google, you arrive at this description on the "Adept Scientific" site, but if you search gNMR inside the Adept store itself (for example: to read the price tag) it says that no such product exists.
gNMR is a Windows program which you can use to simulate 1D spectra and compare them to their experimental counterpart. If you want to know more, please follow the above link.
Adept discontinued its marketing in May 2005. The author, Prof. Peter H.M. Budzelaar states that gNMR is now abandon-ware (not the word that he has used, but this is the concept). If you are interested, read the disclaimer, then read the license, then download the installer (25 MB).
At this price it's worth a try and you can go on without my review.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


During the past months I had noticed that there was a faithful reader of this blog residing in Canada, but I hadn't noticed that he had started his own blog. He is more honest than me, he says what he does for living, he also put a link to this blog, so Ryan has paid his dues. You will find his blog more mono-thematic than mine, because it's all about ACD software and convincing you to buy it.
Ryan's advantage over this poor blogger is that he has much more time to spare... Anyway, welcome to the club, Ryan!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Out of This World, a site dedicated to the use of Mac OS X in scientific research, has published a medium-sized review on NMR software. Kudos. They can write a review as good as mines...
Time to close this blog?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

SpecMan or ghost?

Today I have discovered another product. Does not process spectra, only performs peak-picking, integration, correlation and... I have not explored it yet and have no intention of doing it any time soon. The look does not appeal me at all, if this detail has any importance for you. You can see the presentation at:
If you explore the site you'all also find movies (no audio, sorry) and the program itself, for evaluation. Requirement: Windows NT...
Does this ring a bell?